Mushroom stuffed sirloin steaks.

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Mushroom Stuffed Sirloin Steaks. di David Le Mottee - Recipefy

6 oz of mushrooms, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 onion, chopped
1/2oz of butter
1 tablespoon of fresh parsley, shopped
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs
1 tablespoons of double cream.

Preparazione → 15 min min

Cottura → 15 min min

1. Fry the mushrooms, garlic and onion in the butter for 5 min until soft.
Off the heat stir in the parsley, breadcrumbs and cream.

2. Make a horizontal cut through each steak,
without slicing all the way through,
and stuff the mixture into each pocket.

3. Cook the steaks how you like them.

secondi November 17, 2011 20:14

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David Le Mottee
67 anni
Jersey c. i., United Kingdom