Nutella cake :) wheat free!

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nutella cake :) wheat free! di Natalie Beckley - Recipefy

6 large eggs (seperated)
1 pinch of salt
150g soft unsalted butter
1 400g jar of Nutella
1 tablespoon Tia Maria
100g chopped hazelnuts
120g plain chocolate (melted)

For the icing
100g hazelnuts (optional)
125ml double cream
1 tablespoon Tia Maria
125g plain chocolate

Preparazione → 20 min

Cottura → 40 min

1. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas 4, Grease and line a 23cm springform tin.

2. In a large bowl whisk egg white and salt until stiff.

3. In a seperate bowl beat butter and Nutella together, then add Tia Maria, egg yolks and ground hazelnuts. Gently fold in the melted chocolate, then lighten with a spoonful of egg whites. Then gently fold in the rest of the egg whites.

4. Pour mixture into prepered tin and bake in the oven for 40mins or till it comes away from the sides of the tin.

5. For the icing toast hazelnuts in a dry frying pan until golden.

6. In a saucepan add cream, Tia Maria and chocolate, once chocolate has melted and combined with cream. Remove from heat and allow to cool to a consistancy whereby it can be spread over the top of the cake and not run down the sides.

dolci October 17, 2012 10:44

Autore: victibs

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Natalie Beckley
“hi :)”
29 anni
manchester, United Kingdom