Salmon casserole

0 piace 0 commenti Ricetta di Shane Emanuelle

Two tins of salmon
Lemon (for the juice)
Spring onions
Six hard-boiled eggs
Small tin of sweet corn
Diced celery (optional)

White Sauce
Plain flour
Mustard powder

1. White sauce:
Melt butter. When bubbling, take off heat and stir in flour, salt, pepper, and mustard. Cook for a couple of minutes. When gritty, take off heat and add milk gradually, whisking; stir out lumps and simmer until cooked.

2. Add all ingredients to ceramic dish, stir in white sauce. Grate parmesan and put dob of butter on top of the casserole and cook in the oven. Nana used to add fresh breadcrumbs. Cook in oven, until top crisps up; though Mum also does on stove top.

secondi November 24, 2016 22:56

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Shane Emanuelle
38 anni
Warrnambool, Australia