Simple oven meat

0 piace 0 commenti Ricetta di Tania Rocha

Meat, cut in cubes, semi-frozen; onion; zucchini; sweet potatoes; salt; pepper; half a Knorr bouillon cube

Preparazione → 10 min

Cottura → 60 min

1. Take meat from freezer (some kind of meat you had bought, cut in cubes for a stew) and leave it there to semi-defreeze while you prepare the rest.

2. Cut enough onion in coarse cubes to cover the bottom of an oven plate. If in doubt, add more onion. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle very slightly with olive oil.

3. On one half of the plate, put the semi-frozen meat and sprinkle with pepper (no use adding salt now).

4. On the other half, dispose zucchini, cut in slices and seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper. Drizzle more olive oil over it.

5. Wash sweet potatoes, cut if they are very big, otherwise just put them on another oven plate to roast.

6. Put both plates in hot oven (put meat plate in front, you will need to reach it).

7. Dissolve the half bouillon cube in a bit of hot water.

8. In 10 minutes or so the meat will be totally unfrozen and you will be able to separate the pieces (use a wooden spoon and take care not to burn yourself). After doing this, pour the bouillon over the meat to season.

9. Let roast (it depends on the quantity). A medium amount of meat takes around one hour.

bare minimum mode, easy October 31, 2011 01:31

Autore: Mine

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Tania Rocha
48 anni