Summer fruit sticks with milo swirl yoghurt

3 piace 5 commenti Ricetta di Carol Humphrey

550g tub vanilla yoghurt
2 tablespoons Milo
1/2 medium (600g) pineapple, peeled
1/2 large (900g) rockmelon, deseeded, peeled
12 medium strawberries, hulled

Preparazione → 10 min

Cottura → 5 min

1. Method
Spoon 1/4 cup yoghurt into each of four 3/4 cup-capacity plastic containers. Sprinkle each with 2 teaspoons Milo. Divide remaining yoghurt between containers. Using a skewer, lightly swirl Milo through yoghurt. Seal containers. Refrigerate.

2. Cut pineapple into 3cm cubes. Using a melon baller, scoop 24 balls from rockmelon. Thread pineapple, melon and strawberries onto skewers. Layer skewers in an airtight container. Refrigerate.

3. Notes

4. Skewers should be eaten on day they're made.

5. Tip: You could use other fruit such as seedless grapes, watermelon, pitted cherries, peaches and nectarines. You'll need 12 small bamboo skewers.

6. 5/5 for ease of making, 5/5 for taste!!

dolci October 18, 2011 22:25


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Carol Humphrey 13 anni fa

I love fruit, and you should have plenty of fruit each day. You can have this for desert, breakfast or even a snack. Just make sure you eat it right away, or store in an airtight container so that the fruit doesnt go brown.

Sally Flaherty 13 anni fa

Looks yummy and easy to make.

Skye furnell 13 anni fa

yuuum! looking forward to making this and sharing it with my family! also did you know you should soak the skewers in water so they dont frey as you put the fruit on them :)

Carol Humphrey 13 anni fa

What a fantastic Idea, I will try that next time. Thanks.

Emily Mackie 13 anni fa

Looks good Carol, I don't really like yoghurt but mixing the milo in seems like a good way to make this healthy snack more enjoyable for me!
One I will have to try :)

Carol Humphrey
38 anni
Townsville, QLD , Australia