Francesco Scali's Followers

My name is Mary, and I love to compare recipes from many chefs to figure out the difference that certain ingredients make. I'm already a great-grandmother. I just look young. I feel like I am in my first childhood.
71 years old from Ontario, CA, United States.

We are provide the food news and food information about day to day.
36 years old from #9, VGP Victory House, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002., India. Last recipe 7 years ago.

I like to make sweet desserts. Best recipes for cakes and other desserts. I like this place for all of us who love cooking.
44 years old from Belgrade, Serbia. Last recipe 8 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 10 years ago.

It's what you've all been eagerly awaiting... The James Parker Cook Book! coming to computer screens near you...
34 years old from Bristol, United Kingdom. Last recipe 9 years ago.

Soy Estudiante de cocina y me gusta aprender y compartir recetas con mis contactos.
from medellin, Colombia. Last recipe 11 years ago.

36 years old from seregno, Italy. Last recipe 12 years ago.

39 years old from Udine, Italy. Last recipe 12 years ago.

I am a fun loving, garage sale finding, contest entering, ice fishing, beer drinking, Nascar watching, MN Sports team rooter, dog loving, grilling enthusiast, movie watching, good time haver. I love to grill and come up with new ideas for things to throw
45 years old from Elko, United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Esplorando i menu e i segreti del Panino Tondo, tante ricette di hamburgers, bagels e tanto altro ancora
54 years old from firenze, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from Baguio City, Philippines. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Divisa tra marito,figli,pulizie,cucina,conti,etc.. ma con tanta voglia di fare e sperimentare,colgo l'occasione per inserire in questo ricettario un pò di idee facili,veloci ed economiche.
47 years old from Milano, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from Portugal. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Pianeta Ricette raccoglie un prezioso campionario delle migliori ricette di cucina italiane e non, per stimolare la tua curiosità e la tua voglia di creatività in cucina. Siamo appassionati di cucina e intendiamo condividere questa passione con i nostri
49 years old from Roma, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.