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Trapiantato da tempo immemore dalla Sicilia al Piemonte, con i piedi al nord e la testa a sud, amo la bellezza, delle persone, della natura, delle cose. Ho una passione per le piante grasse, i dolci (farli, un po’ meno mangiarli) e la musica di Mahler.
61 years old from Torino, Italy. Last recipe 7 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

Recipe share for Swim Bike Fuel and 3HU Participants & Alums!
from Atlanta, United States. Last recipe 8 years ago.

35 years old from Torino, Italy. Last recipe 12 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Divisa tra marito,figli,pulizie,cucina,conti,etc.. ma con tanta voglia di fare e sperimentare,colgo l'occasione per inserire in questo ricettario un pò di idee facili,veloci ed economiche.
47 years old from Milano, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

53 years old from United Kingdom. Last recipe 12 years ago.

from United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Just a girl who loves to cook (around food allergies). Making things for friends and family that can't eat what most do, so I want to find the foods they love and make them eatable not avoidable.
37 years old from Grand Rapids , United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

49 years old from Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Hello I'm Daisy and I'm a very busy american college student who loves quick & easy healthy recipes. Here you can find my tested & favorite vegan, vegetarian and other whole foods recipes.
36 years old from Miami, United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

34 years old from Fermo, Italy. Last recipe 11 years ago.

Nonostante non abbia molto tempo ogni tanto mi diletto in cucina con risultati - a detta degli altri - non malvagi. Mi piacciono soprattutto dolci e primi, ma non disprezzo i secondi (soprattutto se di pesce).
52 years old from Montespertoli (Fi), Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

40 years old from Marche, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy. Last recipe 12 years ago.

44 years old from Seattle, United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

45 years old from Roma, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

67 years old from Jersey c. i., United Kingdom. Last recipe 13 years ago.