Explore Cooks

I'm interested in healthful cookery: plenty of vegetables and fruits, mostly whole grains, and moderation. I explore the history and culture of a new country every year. This year, I've had a taste for The Philippines. Delicious!
53 years old from Port Townsend, United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from United States. Last recipe 13 years ago.

Da vicenza con furore...non mangio gatti e mi delizio in cucina. Per me la preparazione di una semplice pasta in bianco richiede concentrazione e passione.
from Vicenza, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from United States. Last recipe 12 years ago.

dilettante chef. looking for a teacher who can explain why, not just how. Favourites ------------ cusines : italian and bengali. aromatic : star anise, ginger garlic paste, bruised ginger cheese : emmenthal stimulant : freshly ground coffee, with
from Bangalore, India. Last recipe 11 years ago.

from messina, Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

from Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

from Trieste, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

from Canada. Last recipe 14 years ago.

Amo il buon cibo
35 years old from Bologna, Castellaneta, Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

41 years old from Turin, Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

51 years old from caltanissetta, Italy. Last recipe 14 years ago.

47 years old from Spain. Last recipe 14 years ago.

I organize filmfestivals, I'm a social media analyst in a consulting firm and I decorate evth with decoupage. I like cooking international recipes
43 years old from Milano, Italy. Last recipe 13 years ago.

New media conceptor, problem solver & digital architect seeking to make the complex clear & beautiful.
41 years old from Bern, Switzerland. Last recipe 10 years ago.

34 years old from Sassari, Italy. Last recipe 12 years ago.